Of the Ash Tree provides professional assembly and painting of model kits, be it Gunpla and Plamo or Resin. Ashley/seraph_phoenix is in charge of resin garage kit commissions, while ClayCannonII is in charge of Plamo, Gunpla and Mecha commissions.
Resin from seraph
Commissions are not accepted for "thai resin" kits. Pictures of kit parts with a ruler are recommended before an accurate quote can be given. I currently work at $7.50 USD per hour; the total depends upon the complexity and/or scale. I can perform light to heavy modifications to kits, as well as creating custom sculpted pieces for kits, such as weapons, altered clothing, detailed bases and more.
The cost for a completed kit depends upon the complexity of the kit, as well as the quality of the casting. Any extra parts or mods you request will add to production time, so please keep that in mind. All kits come with a basic wooden base, painted a solid color, unless otherwise stated. I work a normal everyday job and I am new to taking commissions, so please be patient with the time it takes to complete the kit. Please be sure to send a link to pictures of the kit, be it from the site where you bought the kit or a database like www.myfigurecollection.net. This is crucial in having information on the kits size and complexity, needed to give you an accurate quote.
Gunpla, Mecha and Plamo by ClayCannonII
Commission times vary per the complexity and scale of the kit, as well as for any extra modifications or particulars you have for the build. Please be sure to include the name and maker of the kit, grade and scale, if applicable, with a picture of the kit to keep the quote as accurate as possible.
Quoted prices are not a guarantee of the final price, as we work hourly
and may run into unforeseen problems building your kit. We will do our
best to keep the final cost as close as possible to the quote.
Currently, we are unable to perform lighting on a kit.
A deposit is required up front for all kits, before any work is started. The remainder of the cost is due after production is completed and you have approved of the final product. Resin kits require a $50 deposit, while Gunpla/Mecha/Plamo currently require $65. Paypal is the only payment option currently accepted and shipping is the responsibility of the Buyer.
For commission inquiries or questions, please contact OfTheAshTreeGKs@yahoo.com